Alice Springs

We are in Alice Springs. There was a little museum about the RFDS which we went too. We got to sit in the cockpit of a model RFDS plane. Then we went to the reptile centre and while we were there I got to hold a rainbow python! You don't want to know how big it was. It was very heavy. It's name was Bullet because it had been shot by a man who had tried to kill him. There was a shingle back lizard that weed on the woman who was holding it!


  1. Wow! That is a great picture to take to school.
    I'm glad I wasn't a passenger in the plane that you and Micah were flying. Neither of you could see out the window.

  2. Wow! That must have been fun holding that big python! It was almost as big as you Jem!!! :D Those are really cool pictures! I like the 2 lizards alot!

  3. Jem that snake is HUGE! It must have been so heavy to hold. So cool you got to sit in the cock-pit of the plane like that.


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