
Today we arrived at Uluru. We had so much fun. We went on a walk. It was wonderful. We went to a waterhole with a Willie Wagtail. The Willie Wagtail once chased away the second biggest lizard in the world. There was a women there who had a video on her phone of a waterfall which happened at Uluru.


  1. Was the waterfall during the wet season? It looks like the weather you're having has been lovely. How much longer are you at Uluru?

  2. Wow, those pictures are great. The colours are wonderful. It looks like you're having lots of fun.
    Love Nana

  3. Hi Jem!
    We just read all about your Uluru adventure. We've learning about Dreamtime stories at school. There is a Dreamtime story about the willie wagtail. He was once a young male dancer. He changed into a willie wagtail because he showed off so much! From everyone at DVPS

  4. We saw a Willie wagtail at Uluru!


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